Cookie Policy

Cookies are small text files downloaded onto your device from websites you browse. Generally they are used to improve your experience when browsing a site. Here's some information on the type of cookies used on this website.

First Party Cookies

First party cookies are cookies set by and can only be read by

Types of first party cookies used on this website

First Party Session Cookies

First party session cookies are stored by temporarily during a browsing session, and are deleted when you close your browser.

First party cookies on this website are used to give a more seamless browsing experience, and to store details about a user if they log into the administration area of the Content Management System (CMS).

If you wish to disable these cookies, we recommend you do so by disabling them directly within your browser. Please see the link at the bottom of this page for instructions on how to do so.

Disabling these cookies may result in a slight degradation in the browsing experience of the site, and - in the case of registered administrators of the CMS - result in not being able to log in to the administration area.

First Party Persistent Cookies

First party persistent cookies are stored by a website for a fixed period (usually a year or longer) and are not deleted when the browser is closed. Persistent cookies are used where a website needs to remember your preferences, for example, for more than one browsing session, and automatically apply them the next time you visit the site.

Third Party Cookies

Third Party Cookies are set by organisations other than For example, we use a third party analytics service (Google Analytics) which will set cookies to perform this service. They can be either session or persistent cookies.

This website may also contain content embedded from, for example, YouTube which can set it's own (third party) cookies. See below for more information on Third Party Cookies.


Web pages on the site may occasionally include embedded YouTube videos. Where this occurs, YouTube can drop standard, and flash-based, cookies to collect analytical information. If you wish to disable these cookies, we recommend you do so by disabling them directly within your browser. Please see the link at the bottom of this page for instructions on how to do so.

Google Analytics

This website uses Google Analytics to collect anonymous information about your site usage to help us improve services and better understand user requirements.

If you wish to disable these cookies, there are a couple of ways to do so:

By disabling them directly within your browser. Please see the link at the bottom of this page for instructions on how to do so.

By installing the Google opt-out browser add in. Please see the link at the bottom of this page for instructions on how to download this.

Disabling these cookies will have no impact on your user experience, and will only result in anonymous information about your site usage not being collected.

Google Maps and Google API

This website may use embedded Google Maps and the Google API to enhance site content. Google capture some information as you view a map on their servers, to remember options and preferences such as location, zoom level or type of map, but some analytical information is also transferred about usage.

If you wish to disable these cookies, we recommend you do so by disabling them directly within your browser. Please see the link at the bottom of this page for instructions on how to do so.

Disabling these cookies may result in embedded Google Maps not being displayed correctly (or at all) and not remembering preferences such as location, zoom level or type of map.

Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter and Google+ Social Sharing

When you use one of the social share buttons on the website, a cookie may be set by the service you have chosen to share content through.

Telanova does not control the dissemination of these cookies. You should check the relevant third party website for more information about these cookies. Links are available at the foot of this page.

Manage Cookies

Learn how to manage the cookies with our handy guide Manage Cookies

Useful Links

Disabling Cookies in your browser

Facebook Help Centre - Cookies & Other Storage Technologies

Twitter Privacy Policy

Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on Download Page